Avoid “Death by Power Point” (How to Engage with Power Point; Part 2)
You’ve probably heard the phrase “death by Power Point”, but do you really know how to keep your business audiences alive and riveted to your message?
Today’s Videoblog is Part 2 of my Top Ten tips for using Power Point to “take stage”: capture the attention of your business audiences and keep them engaged. In Part 1, I talked about my first three tips for using Power Point seamlessly. Here are tips 4-6:
Tip #4
When you give a presentation with PowerPoint, take the position of power; that’s usually front and center. Whenever possible, let the projection screen be on your left or right, rather than behind you. If the configuration of the room allows it, you should be in a more prominent position than the projection screen!
Tip #5
If you are the one who will be changing the slides, situate the laptop downstage of your body (that’s toward the audience) – and a bit to your left or right. This allows you to maintain as much eye contact as possibly while you are using the keypad. It also allows the audience to receive the fullest view of you.
Tip #6
Never read aloud from your slides. Instead, pass your eyes over the slide briefly, to gather the content. Then, turn to your audience and pause; pause to make genuine eye contact with your audience before you begin speaking. The pause is very important; it helps ensure that you will take the time to make good eye contact before and while you speak.
Include these strategies when you present with PowerPoint, so that you’ll be able to “take stage”: capture the attention of your business audiences and keep them riveted to your message!