Feel & Look Energized By Sharpening Your Mental Focus
Sunday, May 26th, 2013https://youtu.be/MuHNNnrus0A
You can sharpen your mental focus right before an important business conversation or presentation. Here are two simple techniques that will help you feel and look fully present and energized.
You probably know that actors warm up their bodies and voices right before a performance. Well, they also warm up their brains before they go on stage! As a business professional, you can sharpen your mental focus before you speak, in the same way that actors do, right before they go on stage.
Before you enter the room where you’ll be speaking for business, find a private spot, and try the following:
- Busy your brain with arithmetic! That’s right: Do arithmetic, starting with small sums. Add numbers like 64 and 27. After a few combinations like this, graduate to larger figures, like 459 and 3897. It really is OK if your answers are not correct; the point of the exercise is to work the brain; to make the effort.
- Busy your brain with Jeapardy; just like the game show! Think of any simple category. Speak/whisper all the words you can think of that belong in that category. When your ideas stop flowing relatively easily, change the category and repeat the exercise. Categories like “capital cities of the world” and “languages of the world”, etc., are good ways to begin. The choice of categories is almost endless. Choose categories that are challenging enough to work your brain and that give you a sense of achievement.
Mental gymnastics will energize you and help you feel and look authoritative. They are very useful tools to help you deliver your ideas with confidence and focus!